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Humanized Mice Horror at University of Pittsburgh (CAUTION: Graphic Images)

Writer's picture: Julie CollorafiJulie Collorafi

This week Dr. Stacy Transancos of Children of God for Life sent shock waves through the pro-life community with her National Catholic Register article on the horrifying experiments at the University of Pittsburgh involving human fetal scalps being grafted onto mice.

As documented by Judicial Watch and the Center for Medical Progress, the University of Pittsburgh has been building up a federally-funded "Tissue Hub” for human fetal tissue obtained from aborted babies from 6 to 42 weeks gestation. The Center for Medical Progress has also focused on the experiments involving fetal organs at the University of Pittsburgh.

(This study does not involve the testing or development of COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics which is the focus of my research, but it's important to add it to the collection of recent government-funded humanized mouse atrocities.)

A team of twelve researchers from the University of Pittsburgh published a study entitled "Development of humanized mouse and rat models with full-thickness human skin and autologous immune cells," on September 3, 2020, introducing the hSIS mouse (human Skin and Immune System) and the Sprague–Dawley-Rag2 (SRG) rat models. Both rodent models were co-engrafted with human fetal liver, thymus, spleen and fetal liver-derived hematopoietic stem cells with fetal skin and scalp transplants.

The Methods section describes the construction of human Skin and Immune System-humanized rodents: Mice and rats were engrafted with fetal thymus, liver and spleen under the kidney capsule. Hematopoietic CD34+ cells extracted from the fetal liver were injected retro-orbitally (which means behind the eye) and human fetal scalps or human fetal skin without hair transplanted onto the backs of the mice and rats.

Human fetal tissues from aborted babies were obtained through the Magee-Womens Hospital of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC), with the University of Pittsburgh, Health Sciences Tissue Bank. Gestational age of 18-20 weeks.

The goal of this experiment was to study human skin infections on human immune system mouse and rat models. It was funded with a grant from the NIH:

This University of Pittsburgh study introduces the hSIS mouse and SRG rat models which are the most complete human/rodent chimera I've come across: mice and rats engrafted with human fetal liver, thymus, and spleen and injected with hematopoietic CD34+ cells from fetal liver, in addition to being engrafted with human fetal skin and hair.

Images included in the study show a humanized thymus and spleen. Other images show patches of human hair growing on the mice. Some mice were transplanted with fetal scalps, and some with fetal skin without hair.

*There are some unspeakable horrors referred to in this study about human fetal and adult skin experiments with nude rats which I will only mention in passing. I don't have the stomach to delve into it further at this time.

The authors cite a 2018 study done by University of Pittsburgh researchers detailing the method they invented for making BLTS (bone marrow, liver, thymus and spleen) mice, a method which was used in the 2020 fetal scalp study.

A diagram of the BLTS mouse, engrafted with human fetal thymus, liver and spleen and injected intravenously with hematopoietic CD34+ cells processed from the remaining fetal liver:

Images of the human fetal liver, thymus and spleen post transplantation:

Human fetal organs obtained from aborted babies through the Magee Women's Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center at Pittsburgh:

A similar human fetal scalp experiment was conducted in 2018 by a group of researchers at the University of Pennsylvania.

Human fetal scalps were obtained from Advanced Biosciences Resource, in Alameda, CA. Gestational age 11-12 weeks.

This gruesome experiment was supported by 8 federal grants:

Another fetal scalp experiment was conducted in November, 2020, with researchers from the University of Southern California, and from Taiwan and China.

The Methods and Materials Section reveals that two fetal scalps were obtained from Novogenix from aborted babies. Gestational age of 16-17 weeks.

This experiment was supported by three grants from the NIH/HHS, which is interesting considering that this occurred in 2020 during the Trump Administration. Another "critical" experiment that had to be continued despite the ban on fetal tissue research?

The grim reality is that experiments with aborted baby organs is ongoing and proceeds in many different biomedical fields: virology, dermatology, testing of therapeutics and personalized patient treatment plans, etc. Several different humanized mouse and rat models have emerged. We can now add the University of Pittsburgh's BTLS and hSIS mouse models to the list of humanized mice models documented so far on my website:

BLT (bone marrow, liver and thymus)

BLTS (bone marrow, liver, thymus and spleen)

BLT-L (bone marrow, liver, thymus, and lung)

LOM (lung only mouse)

MISTRG6 (gene-edited and engrafted with human fetal liver-derived CD34+ cells)

HIS (human immune system with bone marrow, liver and thymus)

hSIS (human skin and immune system mouse engrafted with bone marrow, liver, thymus, spleen and skin/scalp) )

HFNL (human lung xenografts and human fetal liver-derived CD34+ cells)

SRG (rat model engrafted with bone marrow, liver, thymus, spleen and skin/scalp)

The most sophisticated and highly humanized model appears to be the University of Pittsburgh's hSIS model, mice chimeras with fully human immune systems composed of engrafted fetal liver, thymus and spleen with engrafted human skin and hair.

Human fetal hearts and kidneys have also been transplanted in rats, and transplanting fetal brains in mice is being openly discussed.

Quō vādimus? Where are we going with this hideous and ungodly research? What is the end goal?

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