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Dr. Eugene Gu Was Right About Regeneron

Writer's picture: Julie CollorafiJulie Collorafi

Sometimes the truth appears in very unexpected places. When I saw this tweet by notorious leftist @eugenegu, it intrigued me and impelled me to keep looking for more information on Regeneron's humanized mice:

The controversial Dr. Eugene Gu, as I have later discovered, is not exactly a lovable character. An avid advocate of fetal research, Gu gained notoriety for transplanting human fetal organs into rats and operating an aborted baby organ trafficking company called Ganogen.

The young physician, a graduate of Stanford and Duke, gained fame as a vocal anti-Trump social justice Twitter warrior with a horde of over 100K followers but was inexplicably removed from Twitter sometime in early 2020.

In April 2016, after David Daleiden released his undercover videos of Planned Parenthood's organ trafficking activities, Eugene Gu and the CEO of fetal organ trafficking company StemExpress, along with other scientists, graduate students and physicians conducting research involving fetal tissue were subpoenaed by the US House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives, under the leadership of Senator Marsha Blackburn.

As a consequence, Gu was forced to suspend his research because his funding dried up.

Dr. Eugene Gu appears to be a prolific researcher. I found many results on the PubMed website, but one study published on January 22, 2015, entitled "Arterial Flow Regulator Enables Transplantation and Growth of Human Fetal Kidneys in Rats," stands out from the rest.

In this experiment, Dr. Gu transplanted human fetal kidneys onto adult rats. The Methods section shockingly reveals that 55 fetal kidneys at the gestational age of 17-18 weeks obtained from aborted babies were used in the experiment:

Note that it states that the use of fetal tissue was reviewed by "Ganogen's Human Fetal Transplantation Research Ethics Committee." However, Eugene Gu is the CEO of Ganogen, so the ethics of this "review" is seriously in question.

Dr. Gu posted a tweet (which I found on a Twitter archive website) about this experiment. He also mentions a human fetal heart transplant, but I have not been able to find any published studies on the fetal heart transplant.

Dr. Eugene Gu is indeed a ghoulish character, but he was correct about Regeneron's use of fetal organs and stem cells in their monoclonal antibody medicine. A look at the tweets I've been able to find archived on other websites since his Twitter account disappeared show his intense conviction that President Trump's Regeneron "cure" was the product of fetal tissue research:

This tweet points out the irony of "prolife" Trump using a monoclonal antibody cocktail that is the product of human of the same human embryonic stem cell and fetal research that Dr. Gu was conducting which caused him to be subpoenaed by Congress.

In this tweet he refers to the cocktail as a "polyclonal antibody cocktail", not a monoclonal antibody cocktail for some reason. He claims it comes from the same genetically modified humanized mice I had once used in my own research, which refers to the mice he transplanted with human fetal organs, so he is saying that Regeneron used mice engrafted with fetal organs.

At the end of his Twitter thread, @eugenegu states:

In another tweet, @eugenegu discusses the use of the HEK293 human embryonic kidney stem cell line in the Regeneron cocktail, a fact that was denied by Dr. Tara Sander Lee of the pro-life Charlotte Lozier Institute who insisted that NO fetal stem cells or tissue was used in the Regeneron monoclonal antibody cocktail.

He goes on to give some astonishing details about Regeneron's VelocImmune mice, claiming that Regeneron makes "it seem like fetal tissue and human embryonic stem cells were not involved" in their humanization process. Dr. Tara Sander Lee, for example, in her defense of Regeneron on Twitter, claimed that Regeneron's VelocImmune mouse embyros are gene-edited and not humanized with human fetal tissue, citing a 2009 published study by Regeneron.

However, @eugenegu strongly suggests this is not true and recommends reading the Supplemental Materials and Methods sections of Regeneron's published studies. As he explains, Regeneron's VelocImmune mice "are making HUMANIZED antibodies that target the spike protein and ACE2 receptor on the coronavirus", and this would not be possible without human embryonic stem cell and fetal tissue research.

"Truth matters."

Yes, truth does matter. I've only discovered this tweet from Dr. Gu recently, but it beautifully confirms what I have found in my own investigation of Regeneron's published studies, as I have explained in other articles and most extensively in my latest video. I pored through every study published by Regeneron and Yale's MISTRG mice experiments, especially in the Materials and Methods sections and found all the evidence needed that Regeneron used human fetal liver to humanize their mice.

Six published studies conducted by George Yancopoulos and Cagan Gurer of Regeneron and Richard Flavell, Markus Manz and other members of the Yale MISTRG mouse team, in 2011, 2014, 2017 and 2021 involve the humanization of gene-edited mice with human fetal liver obtained from aborted babies. I have documented three of those studies and will be shortly adding documentation on three other studies I have found in a future article.

I find it fascinating that Dr. Gu vanished from the internet shortly after his revealing tweets about Regeneron's seemingly innocuous gene-edited humanized mice. His video channel abruptly ended in early 2020. The latest interview with him that I can find was dated April 29, 2020. Did powerful forces silence him because he was harming the carefully cultivated reputation of Regeneron's monoclonal antibody therapy as the pro-life treatment of choice?

Despite his ghoulish resume as a fetal organ transplant surgeon and aborted baby organ trafficker, I applaud Dr. Eugene Gu for bringing to light Regeneron's grisly history of using fetal organs to humanize their mice. Without his outspoken remarks, I would not have bothered to look any further into the history of Regeneron's humanized mice.

Truth matters, and we must be open to finding it in the most unlikely places.

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