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Saskatchewan University Professor Making Large Supply of Ralph Baric's Gruesome BLT-L Mice

Writer's picture: Julie CollorafiJulie Collorafi

Updated: Dec 21, 2021

***See update below. After writing this article, I discovered that Kerry Lavender is actually making BLT-L (engrafted human fetal bone marrow, liver and thymus with human fetal lung organoids) mice, not Lung Only mice (engrafted human fetal lung tissue on immunodeficinet mice) In her interview and nowhere in the article does she mention that she is also implanting aborted baby liver and thymus in her mice.

In a previous article, I documented how NIH researchers Kerry Lavender and Kim Hasenkrug at the NIH Rocky Mountain Laboratory were promised a shipment of almost three dozen Lung Only mice (Wahl et al.) from Ralph Baric's lab at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill for COVID-19 research but were supposedly prevented from using them because of the Trump Administration's ban on fetal research. At the time of the article (March, 2020), the mice were said to be over a year old but were good for three to four more experiments.

According to the Washington Post article, Kerry Lavender, an expert in BLT mouse technology who did her postdoctoral training at NIH Rocky Mountain Labs, was asked by Hasenkrug, her mentor, if she would take over the coronavirus research that he was not allowed to do.

Lavender, an assistant professor at the University of Saskatchewan, said in an interview that she moved back to her native Canada less than two years ago because she wanted to continue pursuing fetal tissue studies and could see that the Trump administration was hostile to such research. At the time of the article, Kerry was deciding whether she had to the funding to take the mice and move across the border to Canada so she could continue the project there.

Kerry's credentials as a NIH researcher from the website:

I've been trying to follow up and find out if Kerry went through with her plans and have discovered an August 2020 article on the University of Saskatchewan's website detailing her humanized mouse project, but some background details about how the original UNC project was moved to Canada are necessary first:

In March, 2020, during the initial surge of the COVID pandemic, a Science magazine reported that NIH researcher Kim Hasenkrug demanded that the Trump Administration's ban on funding for fetal research be lifted so US government researchers could provide special test COVID test mice models "with humanlike lungs created using human fetal tissue" for the testing of COVID vaccines and therapeutics.. Hasenkrug specifically cited the 2019 Wahl et al study conducted by Ralph Baric and his associates at UNC-Chapel Hill.

A March 18, 2020 Washington Post article relates how UNC researchers offered Kim Hasenkrug almost three dozen humanized mice models engrafted with human lung tissue, citing the Wahl et al study:

At the time the article was written, a decision by the Trump Administration had not been made regarding the offer.

The Washington Post article also claims that "a senior UNC scientist" had been cautioned by the university not to speak publicly about the research. Apparently, according to this December, 2018 Washington Post article, Kim Hasenkrug was also under a gag order by the Trump Administration.

Screenshot from the article:

Fast forward to an August 14, 2020, article on the University of Saskatchewan website which proudly reports that Kerry Lavender was already hard at work creating a cadre of COVID-19 test mice with human lungs:

Screenshot from the article:

A podcast of the article's author interviewing Kerry Lavender about the project reveals how Kerry thought it was "cute" to engraft two human fetal lung patches subcutaneously on the shoulders of immunodeficient mice. She said they reminded her of "shoulder pads" or "water wings". She recalled how it took her team a while to figure out the optimal size the "blobs" of human fetal lung tissue should be for the mice to assimilate.

At the time of the podcast, recorded in the author's backyard where the two women sound as if they're having a cozy teatime chat with plenty of laughter and fun, Kerry had already engineered 150 mice for whom she confesses having an almost maternal and proprietary pride, calling them "my little babies". She was planning to make many more and get them to COVID-19 researchers as quickly as possible.

Screenshot from the article:

Many more enlightening details from her podcast will be available in a subsequent article.

One further note is necessary. When UNC researchers used the same Lung Only mice to test the COVID-19 antiviral pill, Molnupiravir, in February, 2021, Dr. Tara Sander Lee, in her article, "A Grim Reminder That Fetal Tissue Market Is Still Open for Business," revealed the shocking fact that at least 12 aborted babies were used in the study.

Video of her interview available here.

I do not know what the ratio of aborted babies to mice is in this study, but if one estimates that one baby's lungs can be used to engraft lung organoids on 2-3 mice, then at least 50 aborted babies were needed to make 150 mice with human fetal lung-tissue "water wings", not counting failed experiments. Kerry Lavender has continued to make more models, so by this time, 15 months later, if she can generate 150 Lung Only mice in 5 months, that would be 600 mice at this time, so about 200 aborted babies might have been sacrificed for this project so far, from what I can surmise.

UPDATE: After writing this article, I started researching the grants that Kerry Lavender received for this project. She was awarded $317,000 from the Canadian Institute of Health Research to make "BLT-Lung mice for the rapid evaluation of COVID-19 therapeutics"

Screenshot of the details of the grant from the CRIS website:

This means that Kerry Lavender is actually making BLT-L mice, and not LoM (Lung Only) mice. In the podcast, Kerry only mentions engrafting human lung tissue on a special strain of immunodeficient mice and does not mention engrafting human fetal liver and thymus into the mice which is what is necessary to make BLT-L mice.

The BLT-L precision mice model was developed especially for COVID-19 vaccine testing by Ralph S. Baric in their 2019 scientific study (Wahl et al.) conducted at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.

This highly humanized model features an engrafted "BLT sandwich" of aborted baby liver-thymus-liver under the renal capsule, CD34+ cells processed from the same aborted baby's liver are injected into the tail, and patches of aborted baby lung tissue is subcutaneously engrafted onto the mouse's shoulders.

For more details about Ralph Baric's gruesome Wahl et al. study, please see this article:

The significance of this discovery cannot be overstated. The BLT-L mouse, because of its human fetal organ-engrafted immune system and human fetal lung-engrafted organoids is highly prized and in great demand for COVID-19 research.

In their 2020 Virulence article, Pujhari et al. detail the shortcomings of other small animal models and praise the Wahl et al. LOM and BLT-L precision mice models developed at UNC in 2019 as the "idealized model for COVID-19 and other respiratory illness."

The BLT-L precision mice model is highly significant since it has been touted as being of particular importance as a vaccine test model as noted in this November, 2019 Nature Methods article:

These observations also suggest the BLT-L mice may be useful for vaccine testing in the future.

How many aborted babies have been and are being sacrificed now for Kerry Lavender's grisly humanized COVID-19 BLT-L mouse project can not be verified at this time, but if she is making 150 of them every 5 months and needs "fresh and never frozen" liver, thymus and lung tissue, then hundreds of aborted babies are required.

Dr. Tara Sander Lee of the Charlotte Lozier Institute exposed the use of aborted baby lung tissue in a 2021 Lung Only Mice test study done at UNC of the COVID-19 antiviral pill Molnupiravir in her article, "A Grim Reminder That Fetal Tissue Market Is Still Open for Business." In her article she reveals the following shocking facts:

A deep dive reveals that lung tissue from at least 12 aborted babies was used for the study. The babies were likely between 16 and 22 weeks of gestation.

She also explains that new fetal organ fragments must be implanted again when an experiment is concluded and a new experiment is begun:

Lung-only mice are “one and done” experiments. Once consumed, the body parts are discarded, and new parts from more recent abortions necessarily must be purchased to conduct more experiments.

Kerry Lavender's project is the most shocking discovery I've made so far. It confirms yet again that how essential the fetal industry is to COVID-19 research. The demand for "fresh and never frozen" organs from aborted babies is greater than ever and the aborted baby organ trafficking trade is apparently in full swing.

For more details gleaned from Kerry Lavender's video interview, see this article.

Kyrie, eleison.

Christe, eleison.

Kyrie, eleison.

849 views4 comments


Nov 11, 2021

Thank you for your research. I had a thought this morning while thinking about this post - soon they will skip humanized mice altogether and just use the baby.

Julie Collorafi
Julie Collorafi
Nov 11, 2021
Replying to

I wouldn't put anything past them. They're depraved monsters.


Julie Collorafi
Julie Collorafi
Nov 10, 2021

They're the archetypal mad scientists.


Nov 09, 2021

How can someone be so cold and so heartles?😭😭 she feels maternal towards mice but not human babies?? What a monster!


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