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Regeneron's Monoclonal Antibody Cocktail: A Witches' Brew

Writer's picture: Julie CollorafiJulie Collorafi

Updated: Dec 7, 2021

“Fillet of a fenny snake,

In the cauldron boil and bake;

Eye of newt and toe of frog,

Wool of bat and tongue of dog,

Adder’s fork and blind-worm’s sting,

Lizard’s leg and owlet’s wing,

For a charm of powerful trouble,

Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.”

(Macbeth, Act 4, Scene 1)

The development of REGN-COV2, Regeneron's monoclonal antibody cocktail is based on this 2018 study entitled, "Development of Clinical-Stage Human Monoclonal Antibodies That Treat Advanced Ebola Virus Disease in Nonhuman Primates", which was conducted by a team of researchers from Regeneron Pharmaceuticals and the Virology Division, US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, Ft. Detrick, Maryland.

Some of the ingredients used in the study:

HEK293T cells*

fetal bovine serum*

adult human liver cancer cells

monkey kidney epithelial cells

guinea pig serum

Chinese hamster ovaries

VelocImmune© mice*

SARS-CoV2 virus*

More details about some of the ingredients listed above:

HEK293T Cells

This stem cell line was derived from a late-term aborted baby in 1970's in the Netherlands. However, Pamela Acker, biologist and author of Vaccination: A Catholic Perspective, has speculated that not one, but many aborted babies could have been sacrificed in the attempt to create a viable stem cell line and were alive at the time of tissue extraction. Her ample documentation for these shocking claims is available here.

As I explained in another article, according to Gerard Harbison, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln demonstrated in a Twitter discussion with Dr. Tara Sander Lee: Regeneron used HEK293T stem cells to select antibodies for the cocktail so it was used in its production.

Fetal Bovine Serum

A 2002 PubMed article explains how Fetal Bovine Serum is collected:

Fetal Bovine Serum is harvested from bovine fetuses taken from pregnant cows during slaughter. FBS is commonly harvested by means of a cardiac puncture without any form of anaesthesia. Fetuses are probably exposed to pain and/or discomfort, so the current practice of fetal blood harvesting is inhumane.

VelocImmune© Humanized Mice

As documented in a previous article, Regeneron is on record as having used aborted baby organs obtained from the infamous Advanced Bioscience Resources to humanize their mice. In an April, 2020 press release Regeneron stated that they also use IVF-derived embryos (discarded embryos from in-vitro fertilization procedures) to humanize their mice.

SARS-CoV2 Virus

The mice were inoculated with the COVID pathogen in order to stimulate antibody production. As detailed in the original 2015 Ralph S. Baric et al. experiment, "A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence," in which wild bat coronavirus was made transmissible to humans, the following components were involved in the process: wild-type bat SARS-CoV (from the Urbani strain), mouse-adapted SARS-CoV, and chimeric SARS-like CoVs," as well as "bat Ace2 sequence based on that from Rhinolophus leschenaulti". Rhinolophus leschenaulti is commonly known as the horseshoe bat, found in Africa, Asia, Europe, and Oceania.

Regeneron's REGN-COV2 monoclonal antibody "cocktail" is developed from humanized mice-generated antibodies. Humanized mice vaccinated with the virus produce human antibodies which are harvested from the mouse and cloned using Chinese hamster ovaries.

In conclusion, it would seem that the cocktail contains a whopping dose of human fetal material since the antibodies were grown in mice humanized with human fetal cells, in addition to the fact that the virus they were inoculated with was passed several times through mice humanized with human fetal cells, and the fact that HEK293T cells were used in the production of the cocktail.

This, combined with the fact that the aptly-named cocktail contains fragments of horseshoe bats, mice, mice/human chimeras, Chinese hamster ovaries, guinea pig serum, blood extracted from live bovine fetuses, monkey kidneys and adult human liver cancer cells makes it a toxic brew indeed.

*For information on Regeneron's history of using aborted baby organs to humanize their mice, please see this article: Yale-Regeneron's COVID-19 Test Mouse Model Is Humanized with Human Fetal Liver.

Pamela Acker addresses the issue of abortion-derived medicines concocted from tissue extracted from live babies post abortion in her article. I would add that the depraved abuse of animals by researchers, particularly the example of the live bovine fetuses cited above and the creation of human/mouse chimeric test models, though of a lesser moral gravity, should certainly arouse our indignation as well.

Pamela refers the Council of Trent's admonition on the seventh petition of the Lord's prayer, "But deliver us from evil", concerning medical remedies, which applies as much to medieval sorcerers in the 1500's as it does now to modern scientists:

The infidel, too, begs of God to cure his diseases and to heal his wounds, to deliver him from approaching or impending evils; but he places his principal hope of deliverance in the remedies provided by nature, or prepared by man. He makes no scruple of using medicine no matter by whom prepared, no matter if accompanied by charms, spells or other diabolical arts, provided he can promise himself some hope of recovery.
Not so the Christian. When visited by sickness, or other adversity, he flies to God as his supreme refuge and defense. Acknowledging and revering God alone as the author of all his good and his deliverer he ascribes to Him whatever healing virtue resides in medicines, convinced that they help the sick only in so far as God wills it. For it is God who has given medicines to man to heal his corporal infirmities; and hence these words of Ecclesiasticus: The most High hath created medicines out of the earth, and a wise man will not abhor them. He, therefore, who has pledged his fidelity to Jesus Christ, does not place his principal hope of recovery in such remedies; he places it in God, the author of these medicines.
Hence the Sacred Scriptures condemn the conduct of those who, confiding in the power of medicine, seek no assistance from God [2 Chron 16:12]. Nay more, those who regulate their lives by the laws of God, abstain from the use of all medicines which are not evidently intended by God to be medicinal; and, were there even a certain hope of recovery by using any other, they abstain from them as so many charms and diabolical artifices. [Emphasis added]
5,512 views3 comments


Nov 01, 2021

Hello, I appreciate your helpful work very much. I have tried to verify your reference to Regeneron basing their product on the study you provided the link for. Would you please supply also that information? Thank you.


Oct 11, 2021

Julie, your posts are filled with eye-opening information that we all need to know to combat this awful "medical research" and the products these snake-oil salesmen try to foist upon us. God bless you, Tony and Vickie Ambrosetti

Julie Collorafi
Julie Collorafi
Oct 11, 2021
Replying to

Thank you! That means so much to me. It's been a fascinating journey. I just keep finding more things. I'm really surprised that there's such a vacuum of information out there. The pro-life groups kind of dropped the ball on the fetal industry aspect of the vaccines and antidotes, etc. I don't understand it.


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